(PMS) - Mood Changes

Irritability, nervousness, anxiety, and sleep problems


The Story

It began about five years ago – abdominal pain, mood swings and feelings of tightness in the breasts. Sometimes I’d just burst into tears for no reason whatever, and I regularly had really depressed moods, which negatively affected my daily life. I felt really unwell and had no idea what was wrong with me. After observing my body for a while, I noticed that my symptoms generally started in the second half of my menstrual cycle and stopped once my period started. I thought I might have a hormone imbalance and be suffering from premenstrual syndrome (PMS). My gynaecologist confirmed my suspicions.

The Journey

Taking the pill to alleviate my symptoms was not an option for me, as I simply didn’t want to take any hormones. Instead, I decided on a natural alternati- ve option and chose Nutrifem P-M-S Formula®, a combination of different micronutrients and vital substances, in order to support my hormonal ba- lance. The monk’s pepper that it contains is thought to support physiological well-being during the menstrual cycle, the Pycnogenol® is good for blood circulation and vitamin B6 supports the hormonal balance of women, as it contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity. I was delighted by this combination, so I bought the product and started taking it the very next day.

The Success

Taking Nutrifem P-M-S Formula® proved to be a total success for me – very quickly I felt enormously better. The severe abdominal pains quickly disap- peared and even my breasts stopped hurting. The unprovoked crying and mood swings are now a thing of the past. I’m a huge fan of Nutrifem P-M-S Formula® and I’m so glad that I gave this product a try. My success story shows that women don’t have to just accept PMS, and it doesn’t have to be dealt with using hormones. There’s also a natural way of getting to grips with the problem.

Lifestyle Changes

Stress can increase the symptoms of PMS. Yoga and meditation can help to relieve the symptoms of stress and relax the body. Also, walks outdoors in nature can work wonders when it comes to stress. Regular exercise has a positive effect on the nerves and helps to free the mind. The main point here is not performance, but a balanced form of exercise. Two or three times a week, 30 minutes of exercise such as Nordic walking, slow running or cycling are the most popular forms of gentle exercise for reducing stress.

Health Management Plan

The Scientific Assessment

By Mag. Margit Weichselbraun

PMS can have several causes. The spectrum of causes stretches from micronutrient deficiency to hormone fluctuations, whereby the causes can influence each other. Nature offers some solutions for dealing with PMS positively. The B vitamins, certain minerals such as magnesium and iron, and supportive plant extracts such as monk’s pepper play a key role in this. Supplementation with these substances is a good start for counteracting the symptoms of PMS and possibly getting rid of them altogether.

Recommended Action

  • Check-ups
  • Hormone Analysis

    Oestradiol and progesterone levels in saliva during the second half of the cycle (days 19 to 21)

  • Nutrient Analysis

    Calcium, folic acid, fT3, fT4, magnesium, prolactin, serotonin, TSH, vitamin B6, zinc


  • B-Complex

    All vitamins of the B-complex

  • Vitamin D

    Vitamin D3

  • Minerals

    Magnesium, Calcium, Iron

  • Plant Extracts

    Pycnogenol, Monk's Pepper, Ginkgo