The Story
I’ve actually had gut problems and a twinge in my stomach in the past, but always blamed my stressful job. When I went to A&E in 2016 with severe abdominal pain and was diagnosed with diverticulitis, I was blindsided. This inflammation of the diverticula in the colon (protrusions of the mucous membrane) was to be treated with antibiotics. If the antibiotic treatment had no effect, I would (in the worst-case scenario) have to reckon with the removal of parts of my intestine. Shocked, I pictured myself with an artificial bowel outlet in my early 40s - I had to act and fast.
The Journey
I felt abandoned by conventional medicine and was looking for a way of avoiding surgery. At the time, my diverticulitis was traumatising - I couldn’t let anyone touch my lower abdomen, the inflammation was too painful. Through a friend whose mother was also affected by diverticulitis, I found my way to a doctor who strongly recommended a colonic cleanse. This was followed by stool and blood analyses, as well as a test for food intolerances, all of which were evaluated in a special laboratory in Germany. The diagnosis: massive intolerances to gluten, milk and dairy products and nuts, as well as leaky gut syndrome and nutritional deficiencies.
The Success
This was followed by a change in diet and treatment with nutrients tailored to me, designed to counteract my leaky gut syndrome - the inflammatory processes in my intestines - and at the same time supply my body with the missing vitamins and minerals. For four months, I had to completely avoid the problem-causing foods. At the same time, I took the various recommended Biogena supplements. Re-testing of the intolerance-provoking foods showed the intolerances were gone - the intestinal mucosa had recovered. The inflammation in the intestine went away. I now pay more attention to my intestines and respond in time when I feel that stress is leaving its mark. I also do a blood and Stool Analysis once a year.
Lifestyle Changes
With food intolerance, the goal is to eliminate all intolerance-provoking foods from the diet. The good news is - if you give your gut a longer breather, there is a chance it will recover.