Stomach Problems

Abdominal pain and high blood pressure


The Story

I’ve always kind of had the feeling that my stomach can't process any meals properly, and my digestion suffers as a result. Not only did this result in constant stomach problems, but I also suffered from high blood pressure. Despite my slim build and already balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, I started a diet to alleviate my health problems. Unfortunately, adjusting my diet didn’t help either, so I had to take blood pressure medication - without ever wanting to. My health situation was putting an increasing strain on me. I constantly had the feeling that my stomach was pressing on my heart and my digestion needed support.

The Journey

On recommendation, I focused on my intestinal flora and started to build it up with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the form of Omni Lactis 20. The connection between the faulty colonisation of the intestinal flora and high blood pressure is discussed in various recent studies and shows promising results - a very exciting prospect for me. I was very open to probiotics and confident of their importance because my digestive problems had been there since I was young. In my old age I was living a healthy lifestyle, but nothing ever changed. Only a few weeks after taking Omni Lactis 20 daily, I felt a significant improvement.

The Success

Shortly after taking Biogena's Omni Lactis, my stomach problems disappeared completely. Above all, the feeling of impaired digestion, that my stomach could not process certain types of meals properly, subsided - I was thrilled! Now I finally had the feeling that I could process the food I was eating properly and fully utilise its nutrients. I also take magnesium and coenzyme Q10 as these substances can have a positive effect on blood pressure. I felt my blood pressure lowering and was able to stop taking my blood pressure medication. Not only could I sense my health getting suddenly much better, but I feel downright wonderful today - who would have thought it, at 85 years old.

Lifestyle Changes

Exercise promotes health, and a lack of exercise can cause the intestinal muscles in particular to slacken, which in turn has a negative effect on bowel function. Extensive walks, exercise and sport in any form activate the metabolism and stimulate bowel activity. More than 6 g of salt per day has been shown to have a negative effect on many areas of the body, including blood pressure and digestion. Make sure you don't eat more than 6 g of salt a day and try herbs instead - they add just as much flavour!

Health Management Plan

The Scientific Assessment

By Dr. Rainer Didier

An average increase in micronutrient deficiency in old age is a well-known problem. There are many ways to supply the body with sufficient nutrients even at an advanced age: bacterial cultures for the gut or plant extracts to aid digestion, magnesium and coenzyme Q10 to support the cells with high energy consumption, such as the heart muscle cells, vitamins D and C for the immune system, omega-3 fatty acids to keep the increasingly rigid blood vessels supple. A blood and stool analysis provides information about micro- nutrient status and makes it possible to detect deficiencies early on, before they manifest themselves in symptoms.

Recommended Action

  • Check-ups

  • Blood Analysis

    Premium Micronutrient Check

  • Stool Analysis

    Premium Gut Microbiome Check


  • Probiotics

    Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria

  • Prebiotics


  • Antioxidants & Enzymes

    Ubiquinol, Vitamin E

  • Emulsifiers

    Sunflower Lecithin

  • Vitamins

    Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

  • Vitamin D

    Vitamin D3

  • Oil Source

    Linseed Oil

  • Carotenoids


  • Magnesium Variants

    7 different magnesium salts dissolved in different pH